This embodied moon by Keiko Narahashi

This embodied moon by Keiko Narahashi


glazed stoneware, 13 1/2 x 15 1/2 x 2 1/2” , 2020  

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Abandoned Farm by Caitlin Parker

Abandoned Farm by Caitlin Parker

Untitled by Amanda Russo Rubman

Untitled by Amanda Russo Rubman

Pepper Tree by Caitlin Parker

Pepper Tree by Caitlin Parker

03_Seaside_2023_naturaldyeonrecycledfabric_14x14inches_$575 - Caitlin Parker.jpeg 01_SpiderWebs_2023_naturaldyeonrecycledfabric_14x14inches_$575 - Caitlin Parker.jpeg

Small works by Caitlin Parker

Wood and wool to hear the poem, Julie Hedrick
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Wood and wool to hear the poem, Julie Hedrick
