ArtStream Kingston
A public celebration of Art and Nature along the historic Point Rail Trail and scenic Rondout riverfront with artworks by regional artists to share with the Kingston community.
ArtStream’s ongoing goal is to experiment with and catalyze alternative modes of public engagement with art. The project was initiated in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the rising need for community engagement and creative use of the Point Rail Trail. During this time of physical distancing and isolation, walks in nature were one of the safest and most nurturing retreats available. We saw how vital it was for peoples’ livelihood to combine recreation with culture and art, landscapes and special moments. Connecting these visual links allowed for physical, visual and social (while still at-a-distance) links that brought people together during a strange and disconnected time.
Artists were invited to create artworks that reflected upon and responded to the zeitgeist of the moment, aesthetic, physical, social political, poetic. Now on it’s third year, ArtStream continues to offer an opportunity to enhance the meaning in our civic spaces and add uniqueness to our community.
Featured Artwork by Ben Quesnel
ArtStream 2024 is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson.
ARTSTREAM 2021 | featured WORKS
A project of augmented reality:
Visible Thoughts by Michelle Weinberg
1. Download Membit™ app from the AppStore onto your ios phone
2. Find your location on the map
3. Go to "list" and click on "Visible Thought 1-6"
4. Click "HERE"
5. See the artwork appear
How many Michelle's artworks can you find at ArtStream? Share via text, email or social media your discovery! @mwpinkblue @artportkingston