Featured Collection Aspirational Vestiges by Allison Kaufman PreviousPepper Tree by Caitlin Parker NextYurei (green/blue hair) by Keiko Narahashi Aspirational Vestiges by Allison Kaufman Aspirational Vestiges by Allison Kaufman from $1,025.00 Aluminum, LEDs, Vinyl, various dimensions. Eyes: Select Eyes 7th Ave IFlatbush Ave III14th Street III7th Ave II14th st IIHester Street14th Street ICourt Street5th Ave I 7th Ave I Flatbush Ave III 14th Street III 7th Ave II 14th st II Hester Street 14th Street I Court Street 5th Ave I Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter You Might Also Like Pepper Tree by Caitlin Parker $5,250.00 Sold Out Wood and wool to hear the poem, Julie Hedrick $0.00 Yurei (green/blue hair) by Keiko Narahashi $3,400.00 Blue by Kate Harding $4,500.00 Yurei (streaky blue with 3 circles), Keiko Narahashi $3,400.00