January 20, 2024

Board of Directors

Formational Meeting Minutes

January 20, 2024, 9:30 AM

Attending: Laurie DeChiara, Carol Schuster, Wendy Ing, Roxanne Faber Savage, Stefan Saffer, Brenna Robinson.

The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM.

Attendees introduced themselves and shared their personal and professional backgrounds and interests in developing ArtPort Kingston, Inc., as a New York State Not-for-Profit organization with a 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption status. DeChiara and Saffer are the founders of the ArtPort project that has become ArtPort Kingston, Inc. (“the organization”). Schuster, Ing, and Savage are the initial directors of the board of the organization. Robinson is a supporting consultant for the development of the organization.

A motion was made by Schuster to approve Resolution #1 of 2024 – Formation of ArtPort Kingston, Inc., as presented. Having reviewed the draft resolution prior to the meeting, there was a brief discussion, and the motion was seconded by Ing. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Ing to approve Resolution #2 of 2024 – Anti-Discrimination Policy, as presented. Having reviewed the draft resolution prior to the meeting, there was a brief discussion where minor revisions were suggested and made to the policy. A motion was made by Ing to pass the resolution as amended. Seconded by Savage, it passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Schuster to select DeChiara as the Executive Director of the organization. A brief discussion followed regarding DeChiara having already founded ArtPort as a project, being the incorporator of the organization, and having the expertise and experience to build the organization into a successful community resource. The motion was quickly seconded by Ing, and it passed unanimously.

The following announcements were made by DeChiara:

The organization’s website address is changing from artport.com to artport.org this coming week, in the typical practice of nonprofit organization websites.

ArtPort will be presenting works from five artists in residency on January 26, 5-7 PM, and January 27, 12-3 PM.

February 10 will be the opening of the organization’s first exhibition of 2024. There will be five exhibitions for the year, plus some solo shows, with helpers invited to curate.

DeChiara will share with the board the current calendar of events scheduled through August.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Schuster, seconded by Savage. Passed unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 10:39 AM.

Laurie DeChiara