February 23, 2024

Board of Directors

Formational Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2024, 9:30 AM

Attending: Laurie DeChiara, Carol Schuster, Wendy Ing, Roxanne Faber Savage, Rose Else- Mitchell, Brenna Robinson

The meeting was called to order at 9:39 AM.

Attendees welcomed new board member, Rose Else-Mitchell.

The draft by-laws of the corporation were introduced by DeChiara and Robinson. An extended discussion and review of the draft was conducted and comprised the majority of the meeting.

DeChiara introduced the idea of an event to announce and begin to build support for the organization and surveyed the board on possible dates for the event. It was decided that it would be described as a “kick-off” event and will be planned to be held on May 11th at the Cornell Building, 108-110 East Strand, Kingston, where ArtPort’s current main gallery exists.

Further planning and organizing will be conducted over the next two months and next two board meetings.

DeChiara introduced the current calendar of events and directed the board to the organization’s website, www.artportkingston.org, for reference to events through August and requested that all share the calendar and events with their families, friends, and professional networks.

Further discussion on committees and officers was tabled until after the kick-off event and until the board has the opportunity to fully review, discuss, and, upon legal review, accept the by-laws.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ing, seconded by Savage. Passed unanimously, the meeting adjourned at 10:39 AM.


Laurie DeChiara