
Sept 30- Oct. 3, 2021

OMG Art Faire

Come to check out our booth at OMG Art Faire at 323 Wall Street, Kingston NY.

ArtPort Kingston at OMG ArtFaire

Welcome to our new space ArtBuoy

New Project Space @ Art Buoy on the Strand


Until Fall

Habitat For Artists (HFA) project

HFA is 6 by 6 ft. moveable space, a collective project that uses the idea of the artist’s studio as a catalyst for mutual engagement between artists and communities.

-> Apply for HFA residency (closed)

-> Learn more about HFA project

-> Follow HFA @hfaeast

HFA Asbill.jpg



(Site Specific Public Art Projects on the Kingston Strand)

Performance, sculpture, installation, public art, site-specific projects… all welcome! If you are interested in the projects click here to download the application and submit your proposal by email to (please note this not a funded project)